Sunday, November 30, 2008 @ 3:53 AM
my c0mp is 0kayes lerhs ((: hahas. ie ref0rmat c0mp. pr0 ritee ? LOL. supersians mans. just reach h0meee n0rt l0nggg.. went t0 850 meet di , bendan && k0rh. slackslack && blablabla. DD:: sians l0rhs. ba0beii din reply my msg ! hais ): ie scared he tulan me. c0z at first tell hyme ie will reach h0mee bef0re 1am , bhuds n0w dhens reach h0mee. hmmmms. h0ppe he will understand burhs. s0rriie ba0beii. iLovEsYouEs ! t0 k0rh : h0ppe y0ue w0nn thiink t0o much burhs. cheerup ((: will alwayes be dhere derhs. takareee ! ** tmr iie will update th picccc ! very tired lerhs. s0rriie. 13 m0re dayes t0 g0♥ byeeeeeeees ! iiel0veshyme xia0Liin<3ahwei memories |
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @ 3:41 PM
FUCK larhs , my c0mp sp0il. cant even switch 0n l0rhs. tulan larhs ! zZz , d0ts. siianns ! everyday 0utside lia0s. c0z th fcuking c0mp cant use ! hmmmm. g0ing t0 repair s0on. LOL. supersians n0w. DD: later maybe g0ing buy b0ok (: hahas. BENDAN : ie fuckingg miiss y0ue larhs ! faster meetup 0kayes ? PANDA<3bendan miissing dear riqht n0w. haiis. ie alsh0 d0nn0e whye suddenly miiss hyme. h0ppe later he g0t c0me 0ut l0rhs (: byeeeeeeeeeeees ! iiel0veshyme xia0Liin<3ahwei memories |
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 @ 12:28 PM
supersians larhs ! n0w n0rthing t0 d0.. wanna g0 0ut. bhuds d0nn0e g0 where. haiis =( ie want buy present f0r SOMEONE ! d0nn0e g0 where buy , d0nn0e whads t0 buy ! wtF ? n0w talking 0n f0ne with justin :) actually peii dear g0 pe0ple chalet derh. bhuds he say d0nn nid g0 lia0s. thiink t0dae cant meet dear lia0s lerhs l0rhs. sadded. nvm , g0t justin peii me ! BENDAN♥ : ieFcukingmissy0ue larhs ! faster meetup. <33> byeeeeeeeee ! iiel0veshyme xia0Liin爱aHwei memories |
Sunday, November 09, 2008 @ 8:12 AM
yesterdae wakeup at 6plus. when iie wakeup , iie saw dear msg &nd miss call. faster reply his msg l0rhs. hmmmms. he c0me up maii hus , &nd blabla. 10plus g0 0ut , take the same bus wibb dear. aliqht at 838 , iie walk t0 850. n0 0ne dhere l0rhs. s0 empty. saw ah ch0u &nd his c0usin , slack l0rhs. ch0u g0 h0meee. iie al0ne at 850 , waiting f0r bendan. while iie waiting , iie really thiink al0rts larhs. haiis. iie started t0 cry lia0s lerhs. bendan c0me. she ask me whads happen , iie keep saying n0thing. c0z iie really d0nn wann t0 say aniiting at dhat p0int 0f tyme. she ask me cry 0ut. haiis. andy didi , justin &nd j0sie k0rhh alsh0 came. k0rh ask me whads happen , iie din tell her aniiting. haiis. &nd blablablabla. ** bendan♥♥ : thanks f0r peii me. loveee ue l0rts ! ** andy didi♥ : s0rriie , iie didnt mean it t0 sh0ut &nd kan ue. thanks f0r peii me. ** justin♥ : thanks f0r peii-ing me all the way. ** j0sie k0rhh♥♥ : thanks f0r peii me t0o. l0veee ue l0rts ! haiis. n0w quarrel wibb dear. iie really d0nn0e larhs. just n0w really damn fucking sad , disapp0inted &nd FUCKUP lia0s. lied t0 me whye ? ue say iie will give ue lanjia0 attitude. bhuds ue n0e whads iie thiink marhs ? at first , iie thiink dhat she will be ar0und lia0s lerhs. s0 iie ren. iie t0ld myself n0t t0 give ue laniia0 attitude. iin the end ue t0ld me 0nly g0t 2 0f dhem , at first ue already pui zhui lia0s lerhs. 0kayes nevermind iie believe dhere's 0nly 2 pers0n. when iie saw didi , iie ask hyme. he t0ld me the truth derhs. if n0t iie get hidden fr0m ue ! ue d0nn nid t0 kan didi derhs. ue n0t happy ue c0me &nd kan me. c0z is iie ask hyme derhs. if n0t iie will be just like a stupid pers0n ! an0ther thing , whye at my h0use g0t pe0ple msg ue , ue hide &nd reply ? ue thiink iie stupid ? iie w0nn thiink. &nd iie can tell ue n0w I FUCKING THE JEAL0US ! iie n0t fake derh 0kayes ? let me ask ue , im ure stead. maii gan as in b0ys , send me whads ily & imy all dhat will ue be happy &nd jeal0us ? ue c0nfirm n0t happy derhs l0rhs. if ue happy dhen iie g0t n0thing t0 say l0rhs. whyewhyewhye ? whye iie d0 s0 much f0r ue ? f0r whads FUCK ? c0z iiel0vey0u ! bhuds whads ue did ? ue hurt me 0nce again ! haiis. whads ue thiinking n0w iie really d0nn0e larhs. thiis tyme iie did n0thing wr0ng. n0w is ure turn t0 thiink ! iie really wann ask ue 1 questi0n : whads ue mean by " iie w0nn appear in fr0nt 0f ue all lia0s lerhs ? " wtF are ue trying t0 say ? really feel like g0ing back t0 the past derhs me. 1 is g0od things , 1 is bad things. g0od thiings is : d0nn nid t0 care aniiting. be back myself &nd just be happy. bad thiings is : cut my wrist every n0w &nd then. pr0mised is given t0 al0rts 0f pe0ple , n0rt t0 cut my wrist lerhs ! s0 n0w whads cans iie d0 ? CRY CRY CRY. 1 days iie will have n0 tears ! dear♥♥ : n0t iie wann t0 quarrel wibb ue derhs , iie really cant c0ntr0l lia0s lerhs. if iie really d0nn say things , ue w0nn n0e maii feeling derhs. iie d0nn wann t0 keep everything inside maii heart lia0s lerhs. dhat's is stupid larhs. it will be m0re pain if iie d0nn say 0ut aniiting. actually , ue at maii hus dhat tyme iie really wanna cry 0ut. bhuds iie cant. whye ? c0z iie n0e ue will ask me whads happen derhs. &nd whye iie t0ld ue iin the bus iie cant reach h0mee at dhat tyme. c0z iie n0e iie will cry , bhuds iie d0nn wann t0 let ue n0e aniiting first. whye ? iie d0nn wann ue t0 get w0rriie f0r me. haiis ! d0 ue understand me marhs ? n0 matter whads happen , iie will l0veeee ue ! n0 0ne can replaced ue iin maii heart derhs.! iLovEsYouEs ! ** if ue happen t0 see thiis then g0 thiink burhs. haiis. wr0te all thiis wibb p0uring water ! haiis. really very tired lia0s lerhs. feel like slping n0w. hmmmmms. Y0UR 1ST FEATURED FREN IN FRIENDSTER Name: ♥♥ Henry Does he or she have a bf/gf? ♥♥ yupp (: Do you know a secret about him/her? ♥♥ ermmmm , n0ppes. Is this person older than you? ♥♥ yupp (: Has he/she ever cooked for you? ♥♥ yeahs (: When was the last time you thought of him/her? ♥♥ n0w ! Do you have a nickname for each other? ♥♥ dear (: How many times do you talk to this person? ♥♥ al0rts 0f tyme. Have you seen this person cry? ♥♥ yeahs. How long have you known this person? ♥♥ thiink 1 years plus lia0s burhs. Have you ever been to the mall with this person? ♥♥ yeahs (: Have you ever had a sleepover with him/her? ♥♥ yeahs (: If you ever moved away would you miss this person ? ♥♥ 0f c0z larhs. Have you ever given this person something? ♥♥ yeahs (: Have you ever done something really stupid with this person? ♥♥ yupp. Have you ever made something with this person? ♥♥ ermmmm , s0me s0rt. Have you fought before? ♥♥ yupp ): Do you know everything about this person? ♥♥ n0ppes. person's shoe size? ♥♥ d0nn0e. Have you ever worn this person's clothes? ♥♥ yeahs , cardigan. Have you ever heard this person sing? ♥♥ yupp. Have you and this person ever gotten into a fight that lasted more than 2 days? ♥♥ n0ppes. Have you and this person went clubbing? ♥♥ n0ppes. Do you know how to make this person feel happy? ♥♥ ermmm , d0nn0e. Do you and this person talk a lot? ♥♥ can say s0 burhs. who is his/her crush? ♥♥ huhs ? Has this person yelled at you? ♥♥ yupp. Has this person always been there? ♥♥ n0ppes. Do you want to be with him/her forever? ♥♥ 0f c0z larhs. bhuds this is h0ppes s0 (: takareee burhs every0ne. byeeeeeeeees ! iiel0veshyme xia0Liin爱aHwei memories |
Saturday, November 08, 2008 @ 9:41 AM
everythings 0ver t0 me & ue ! n0w we can d0 is be frens burhs. frankly speaking , iie alsh0 can say we b0th drifting apart lerhs. we n0rt like last tyme s0 cl0se lia0s lerhs , n0 c0ntact all dhat. haiis. thanks f0r helping me &nd hyme , iie really appreciate it. mem0ries are kept in my mind. ue muz keep the mem0ries t0o 0kayes ? takareeee 0f ureself (: see ue ar0und burhs. ** d0nn ask iie referring t0 wh0. ue n0e just d0nn say aniiting. THANKS. s0metyme ie thiink , im ie t0opid 0r whads ? haiis. really very disapp0inted iin ue lerhs. n0wadays in msg , we g0rt n0thing t0 say t0wards each 0ther. whye ? iie alsh0 d0nn0e. hmmmmms , maybe GANS & frens are m0re imp0rtant t0 ue burhs. HAI !! REALLY REALLY DAMN SAD &nd DISAPP0INTED ! bhuds 1 m0re thing is N0W iie put ue in the 1st place , iin maii heart. d0 ue ? n0 matter whads happen , iie will still loveeeeee ue ! d0 ue ? iie really want t0 n0e ure ans cans ? iie d0nn wann thiink dhat im a selfish stead ! ue g0rt al0rts 0f things din tell me. iie alsh0 d0nn0e whye ? s0metyme iie really want t0 ask ue , just 1 questi0ns " 你还爱我吗 ? " whyee iie ch0ose n0rt t0 ask ue ? c0z iie scared iie quarrel with ue again. s0 dhats whye iie d0nn wann ask ue s0 much. d0 ue understand ? h0pee ue will understand burhs. LOVEEEEES ! byeeeeeeeees ! iiel0veshyme 爱LIIN memories |
Friday, November 07, 2008 @ 3:22 PM
1) What is your shoutout? ♥♥ ba0beii ` iLovEsYoUs ! *snatcher*h0ngster* ue may leave here ! 2) Where is your cell phone? ♥♥ in fr0nt 0f me. 3) How many comments do you have? ♥♥ 990. 4) What's your current relationship status? ♥♥ attached. 5) Are you happy today?Why? ♥♥ n0ppes , s0methings happen ): 6) Who will cut and paste this first? ♥♥ h0w iie n0e ?. 7) Someone with the same birthday as you? ♥♥ maii primary sch0ol frens (: 8) Are you mean? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 9) Have you ever sang in front of a large audience? ♥♥ n0ppes. 10) Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?- ♥♥ n0peps. 11) Current song you're listening to? ♥♥ n0t listening t0 s0ng n0w. 12) Is your birthday on a holiday? ♥♥ yeaps. 13) Have you ever been rushed to the emergency room? ♥♥ n0ppes. 14)6th message in ur inbox..? ♥♥ dear. ♥♥ LAST: pearlina. 15) Talk on the phone.. ♥♥ 2nd aunt. 16) Hugged.. ♥♥ dear. 17) Person you text messaged ♥♥ dear. 18) Last song you heard? ♥♥ 爱我的人和我爱的人. 19) What are you doing right now? ♥♥ using c0mp larhs. 20) Tonight.. ♥♥ w0rking. 21) Wearing... ♥♥ n0rmal cl0thes. LOL. 22) What did you have for lunch? ♥♥ n0ppes. 23) Last person in your phonebook? ♥♥ 2nd aunt. **** What if your Ex ask you out when you're attach ? ♥♥ ie will say n0 larhs. Where've you go for today ? ♥♥ d0nn0e yet. How you think of your current life ? ♥♥ c0mplicated. How you think of love ? ♥♥ d0nn0e. you like babies ? ♥♥ yeaps. How well you and your stead are doing ? ♥♥ n0rmal l0rhs. d0ts. One word for HONGSTER ? ♥♥ Define th word of HONGSTER ? ♥♥ Do you like HONGSTER ? ♥♥ definitely n0 ! What if your stead want t break with you one day ? ♥♥ d0nn0e. How you think of happy ending ? ♥♥ d0nn0e. Does true love last long ? ♥♥ yesh. If have a chance , do you want t meet with someone you love tmr ? ♥♥ 0f c0z larhs. If you can get fuuck right now would you want ? ♥♥ n0ppes. How well you understand th one you are inlove with . ♥♥ d0nn0e. Do you like t be love by th one you in love with ? ♥♥ yeahs. Do you think this quiz is very long ? ♥♥ n0ppes. **** 1. Have you ever lost your cell phone? ♥♥ n0ppes. 2. Do you eat ice-cream even if it's raining? ♥♥ n0ppes. 3. Do you have piercings? Tattoos? ♥♥ piercings. 4. Do good things come to those who wait? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 5. If you have a time machine, would you travel to the future or past? ♥♥ b0th. 6. Do you smoke cigarettes? ♥♥ yesh. 7. Do you ask your friend's opinion before you buy something? ♥♥ yesh. 8. Have you ever whistled at a girl/boy before? ♥♥ n0ppes. 9. Have you ever danced around in your room naked? ♥♥ n0ppes. 10. Do you have a nickname for your crush? ♥♥ d0nn0e. zzz. 11. Would you ever audition for 'Singapore Idol'? ♥♥ n0ppes. 12. Is there anything you want to say to that person you miss? ♥♥ al0rts 0f things. hmmms. 13. Have you ever stolen someone else's sweetie? ♥♥ n0ppes. 14. How do you end a phone call with someone you dislike? ♥♥ HELLO &nd listen t0 th pers0n v0ice &nd ie will hang ! 15. These past few days... ♥♥ very fan. 16. Have you/would you ever throw a party when your parents aren't home? ♥♥ ermmm , if iie can burhs. 17. Have you ever gotten back with an ex? ♥♥ 0f c0z larhs. 18. Do you like to gossip? ♥♥ n0ppes. 19. Are you ticklish? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 20. DO you miss someone at the moment? ♥♥ yeahs. 21. Do you live for the moment or for the future? ♥♥ future. 22. How often do you lie? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 23. Do you plan for your outfits? ♥♥ yupps. 24 . Do you keep your sweetie's stuff after you break up? ♥♥ ermmm , yesh. 25. Does shopping make you feel better? ♥♥ yesh. bhuds waste m0ney ): 26. Can a person be possessed by a devil? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 27. Have you ever made the first move? ♥♥ ermmmm , n0ppes. **** 1. Do you have secrets? ♥♥ yesh. 2. Would you fall in love with boy older than you? ♥♥ yesh. 3. Do you enjoy going to school? ♥♥ n0ppes. 4. What would you do with a billion dollars ♥♥ buy whads iie wann buy. 5. Who in this world do you HATE MOST? ♥♥ guess 0r find 0ut ureself burhs (: 6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? ♥♥ being l0ved by s0me0ne. 7. List out 15 favourite songs: ♥♥ sia0s ? 8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do? ♥♥ wait f0r th pers0n larhs. 9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 10. What makes you angry? ♥♥ al0rts. 11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time? ♥♥ h0w iie n0e ? 12. Who is currently the most important people to you? ♥♥ dear , family. 13. What is the most important thing in life? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 14. Single or attached? ♥♥ attached. 15. What is your favourite colour? ♥♥ purple , black. 16. Would you give all in a relationship? ♥♥ yeaps. 17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done? ♥♥ depends. 19. What do you want to tell the someone you like ? ♥♥ hmmmmmmmms. d0nn0e. 5 people I have tagged: ♥♥ find it 0ut ureself burhs. d0ts. memories |
Thursday, November 06, 2008 @ 12:00 AM
[01] Do you ever wonder what your last ex is up to? ♥♥ d0nn0e. [02] Have you ever been given roses? ♥♥ n0ppes. [03] What is our all-time favorite romance movie? ♥♥ d0nn0e. [04] How many times have you honestly fallen deeply in love? ♥♥ 1 tyme. [05] Do you believe that everyone has their soulmate? ♥♥ h0w iie n0e uh ? LOL. [06] What's your current problem? ♥♥ al0rtts ): [07] Have you ever had your heart broken? ♥♥ 0f c0z larhs. d0ts. [08] Had a Long Distance Relationship? ♥♥ d0nn0e yets. [09] Do you believe in this saying- ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER? ♥♥ maybe barhs. [10] Do you want to get married? ♥♥ ermm. habben thiink till s0 far. [11] How many kids do you want to have? ♥♥ d0nn0e. [12] What're your favorite colors? ♥♥ purple , black. [13] Who was the last person you held hands with? ♥♥ dear. [14] Do you believe in love at first sight? ♥♥ yeahs. [15] At what age did you start noticing the opposite gender? ♥♥ f0rgets. [16] Do you still like your ex? ♥♥ definitely n0ppes. [17] Do you know someone who likes you? ♥♥ h0w iie n0e uh ? [18] Do you like anyone? ♥♥ yeahs. [19] Do they know you Like/love them? ♥♥ yupps(: [20] Would you kiss someone? ♥♥ yeahs. LOL [21] Whats your status? ♥♥ attached [22] What can u say 'bout ur crush/GF or BF/ or special someone? ♥♥ ermmm , iie d0nn0e. **** 1.Give me a random lyric from the song you're listening to? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 2. Do you think your approachable? ♥♥ maybe. 3. Do you regret doing anything this week? ♥♥ yeahs. 4. Who are you missing? ♥♥ dear &nd maii sister. 5. Name someone you know whose name begins with a N? ♥♥ natale. 6. Have you been pressured to do anything recently? ♥♥ n0ppes. 7. What will make you happy at this moment? ♥♥ ermmm , iie d0nn0e. 8. What color are your eyes? ♥♥ black. 9. What side of the bed do you sleep on? ♥♥ left. 10. Do you like your significant other to be aggressive or passive? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 11. Would you rather go camping or to a five star hotel? ♥♥ camping , with frens. 12. Have you kissed anyone you didn't know at all? ♥♥ n0ppes. 13. What's your worst habit? ♥♥ take things &nd din put it back. 14. If you could own a non-traditional pet, what would it be? ♥♥ ermmm , depends. 15. Would you rather feel pain or be completely numb? ♥♥ n0ne (: 16. Do you find it easier to forgive or forget? ♥♥ b0th. 17. Would you ever stay with someone just because you didn't want to break their heart? ♥♥ thiink n0ppes. 18. Do you hate being alone? ♥♥ yeahhs. 19. How late did you stay up last night? ♥♥ ermmm 6am. 20. What was the first thing you thought about this morning? ♥♥ msg dear (: 21. What did you do last night? ♥♥ thiinking 0f UE ! 22. What are you going to do this weekend? ♥♥ w0rk burhs if have w0rk t0 d0 (: 23. What were you doing this morning at 7AM? ♥♥ sleeping larhs. 24. What were you doing this afternoon? ♥♥ al0rtts leii. 25. Do you know someone with the initials C.E.? ♥♥ n0ppes. 26. Are you sad? ♥♥ n0ppes. 27. What's a sure way to catch your attention? ♥♥ ermmm , d0nn0e. 28. Have you ever, in any way, been betrayed by someone you trusted? ♥♥ yeahs, s0rt 0f. 29. What are you going to do after posting this? ♥♥ ehh , m0st pr0b sleep burhs. 30. What is your goal for today? ♥♥ d0nn0e. **** 1)Do you always answer your phone? ♥♥ depends 0n wh0 call &nd whad tyme dhey call. 2) Its four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it? ♥♥ ermmm , dear { s0metyme } 3) If you could change your eye color what would it be? ♥♥ purple (: 4) Do u Like Dr Pepper ? ♥♥ wh0 is it ? LOL. 5)Do you own a digital camera? ♥♥ n0ppes. 6)Have you ever had a pet fish? ♥♥ yeahs. 7) Favorite Christmas song? ♥♥ all (: 8) What's on your wish list for your birthday? ♥♥ last l0ngg wibb dear (: &nd have a happy family (: 9) Can you do push ups? ♥♥ yeahs. 10) Can you do a chin up? ♥♥ ue wanna kill me ? d0ts. 11)Does the future make you more nervous or excited? ♥♥ b0th. 12) Do you have any saved texts? Who are they from and what do they say? ♥♥ yeahs , fr0m al0rts 0f pe0ple. say th0se funny thingy (: 13) Ever been in a spore flyer? ♥♥ n0ppes. 14) Do you have an accent? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 15) What is the last song to make you cry? ♥♥ f0rgets lerhs. 16) Plans tonight? ♥♥ slp (: 17)Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom? ♥♥ n0ppes. LOL. 18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday? ♥♥ cigg , f0od &nd n0rthing else (: 20) Current worry? ♥♥ s0me s0rt. 21) Current hate right now? ♥♥ cant tell ): 22) Met someone who changed your life? ♥♥ yeahs. 23) How did you celebrated in the past New Year? ♥♥ n0rmal celebrati0n l0rhs. c0untd0wn. 24) What song represents you? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 25) Name three people who might complete this? ♥♥ see wh0 wann t0 d0 burhs. d0ts. 26) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? ♥♥ depends. 27) Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? ♥♥ ermmm n0ppes. 28) Do you have any tattoo/piercing? ♥♥ piercing. 29) Will you be in a relationship 4 months from now? ♥♥ yeahs. 30) Does anyone love you? ♥♥ yupps. 31) Would you be a pirate? ♥♥ n0ppes. 32) What songs do you sing in the shower? ♥♥ iie din sing s0ng when im sh0wering ? LOL. 33) Ever had someone sing to you? ♥♥ n0ppes. 34) When did you last cry? ♥♥ last 2 t0 3 weeks. 35) What is in your pocket? ♥♥ m0ney (: 36)Do you like to cuddle? ♥♥ d0nn0e. 37) Have you held hands with anyone today? ♥♥ n0ppes. 38) Who was the last person you took a picture of? ♥♥ f0rgets. 40) How many TVs do you have in your house? ♥♥ 2. 41) Are most of the friends in your life new or old? ♥♥ new. 42) Do you like pulpy orange juice? ♥♥ n0ppes. 43) What is something your friends make fun of you for? ♥♥ n0 such things. 45) Do you like to play Scrabble? ♥♥ s0metymes. 46) What are you saving your money up for right now? ♥♥ buy things. 47) When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly? ♥♥ 1 m0nth ag0. 48) What song do you want played at your funeral? ♥♥ h0w iie n0e uh ? d0ts. 49)What were you doing 12 AM last night? ♥♥ 0utside. 50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? ♥♥ iie wann t0 see dear ! **** When you're walking, do you stop to drink? ♥♥ depends. Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it? ♥♥ yeahs. Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle? ♥♥ yeahs. Ever snuck out of your house? ♥♥ n0ppes. Break someone’s heart or have your heart broken? ♥♥ b0th. What are your plans fr today? ♥♥ d0nn0e. Do you like someone right this second? ♥♥ yeahs. Would you ever get a tattoo? ♥♥ if iie cans. What was the last thing you ate? ♥♥ maggie mee. Do you snore? ♥♥ s0metymes , if iie really damn tired ! what would you do if you opened up your front door to a dead body? ♥♥ clam d0wn. Do you like to spend time with people? ♥♥ depends wh0 isit ! Are you hungry? ♥♥ yeahs. Are you a forgiving person? ♥♥ yeahs , see whads dhey d0ne wr0ng &nd wh0 is the pers0n. When was the last time you did the dishes? ♥♥ veryvery l0ngg ag0. LOL. Are you talking to anyone while doing this? ♥♥ n0ppes. what are you about to do? ♥♥ slping (: Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't? ♥♥ n0ppes. wh0 will think b0ut this ? sia0s. Three feelings at the moment? ♥♥ l0ved , happy , w0rriiie. Done anything you regret so far in life? ♥♥ yeahs. Are you listening to anything now? ♥♥ n0ppes. Where are you right now? ♥♥ maii bedr0om. What are you scared of? ♥♥ al0rts 0f things. Are you thinking of someone right now? ♥♥ 0f c0z. hahahs. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? ♥♥ d0nn0e. Last thing you downloaded on your computer? ♥♥ d0nn0e. Do you dress for style or comfort? ♥♥ b0th (: Favorite color(s)? ♥♥ l0rts. Last time you smiled? ♥♥ t0dae (: If you could have anything in the world, what would you want? ♥♥ HAPPINESS (: **** Are you mad at your best friend right now? ♥♥ n0ppes. Is there any drink that you absolutely MUST drink cold? ♥♥ depends. Did you sleep anywhere besides your bed today? ♥♥ n0ppes. Are there framed pictures of you anywhere in your house? ♥♥ n0ppes. Do you own anything you don't want your parents to know about? ♥♥ yeahs. Are there any colors you will NOT wear? ♥♥ t0tally GREEN & YELLOW ! How many different colors are you wearing right now? ♥♥ white , black. LOL. Whats your current favorite color? ♥♥ purple &nd black. What is your current mood? ♥♥ happy (: Is there anyone you would love to see right now? ♥♥ yeahhs. When was the last time you cried? ♥♥ 2 t0 3 weeks ag0. Where is your mom? ♥♥ iin her r0om. What was the first thing you heard this morning? ♥♥ n0rthings. What are you thinking about right now? ♥♥ thiinking b0ut dear (: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking pot? ♥♥ d0nn0e. Were you happy when you woke up today? ♥♥ ermmm , can sae s0 burhs. Honestly, do you like anybody? ♥♥ yeahs , dhat's is maii dear ! Excited for anything? ♥♥ ermm , currently n0ppes. Do you hate it when people smoke around you? ♥♥ n0ppes , c0z im a sm0ker t0o. d0ts. Do you have any plans for tomorrow? ♥♥ g0 SIP &nd meet pe0ple (: Do you get along with girls? ♥♥ yeahs. How old do you want to be when you have kids? ♥♥ d0nn0e , depends 0n h0w 0ld iie married. Do you have over 200 Friendster friends? ♥♥ yupps. What makes you laugh no matter what? ♥♥ dear make me happy (: Are you happy with yourself? ♥♥ s0metyme n0ppes. Would you change yourself for the person you love? ♥♥ yeahs. Do you think best friends can be replaced? ♥♥ n0ppes. What do you do when you have a bad day? ♥♥ ermmm , d0nn t0k. Do you really think ex's can be friends? ♥♥ t0 me yeah burhs (: hahahs. im t0o b0 lia0s lerhs. c0z iie habb n0thing t0 p0st larhs ! LOL. takareee every0ne (: g0ing slp lerhs. tmr g0t SIP iin th m0rning , h0ppe iie cans wakeup larhs ! 11h0urs &nd 30minutes t0 g0 ): byeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ! iiel0veshyme 爱LIIN memories |
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 @ 12:19 AM
m0rning wakeup at 9plus , hahahs. d0ts. dhens use c0mp , &nd etc. blablabla. g0 back t0 sch0ol. LOL. saw junwei at 850 , t0t he g0t cigg. hmmmms. bhud he dunch habb. siian dia0s. meet pearlina. gina came al0ng t0o. D: me &nd junwei g0 buy cigg , dhey went t0 eat. after buying , went t0 find dhem. alfred alsh0 ar0und lia0s. stanley came. LOL. went t0 850 sm0ke & blablabla. walk t0 sch. junwei help me keep maii cigg. d0ts. reach sch , went t0 find ms s0o bhuds she n0t ar0und. dhens g0 find Mr tan. he ask me sit at the table dhere first , iie sitted dhere f0r 30minutes dhen he c0me 0ut. he ask me t0 punch h0le f0r the SIP f0rm. wtHeeee. very slack l0rhs. hahahs , d0 finish in less dhen 30minutes l0rhs. g0t 1 uncle c0me t0k t0 miie , chit - chats l0rhs. 0pppps. went t0 find Mr tan again , he ask me wait 0utside th table. zZz. he c0me 0ut he sae wednesdae & thursdae g0 back again. 12n0on t0 3pm (: heng is aftern0on ibb n0rt iie cant wakeup. 0.O he take maii c0mb & mirr0r l0rhs , in case iie put hyme aer0plane again. LOL. iie put hyme aer0plane twice lerhs. hahahs. 0verslept ): 3pm he jiu release me lia0s lerhs , went t0 850 find ch0u &nd junwei. ch0u gibb me cigg , dhens iie take back maii cigg fr0m junwei. LOL. 3plus iie jiu g0 h0mee lia0s lerhs , very tired mans ! hmmmms , reach h0mee g0ngg0ng jius at h0mee lia0s lerhs. he ask me things l0rhs. hahahs. dhen use c0mp & etc. dear jius c0me maii hus lia0s lerhs. 0h yeahs(: t0t he w0nn c0me 0ut derhs l0rhs. hahahs. dhen he use c0mp &nd watch his sh0w , peii hyme watch till half wae iie fell asleep lia0s. 0ppps. awhile iie jius wakeup lia0s lerhs ): g0 d0wn buy f0od & etc. 10 he jius g0 h0mee lia0s lerhs , iie peii g0ngg0ng read newspaper , hahahs. iie keep asking hyme h0w t0 read all th0se things l0rhs. c0z iie dunch n0e h0w t0 read. maii chinese very p0or derhs. bhuds still can pass eh (: n0rt bad uhs. LOL. kkayes iie will end here lia0s lerh (: iie miss : xia0bear , shushu , chinchin , bendan , darling ` meii. 11h0urs 30minutes t0 g0 ): byeeeeeeees ! iiel0veshyme 爱LIIN memories |
Monday, November 03, 2008 @ 10:07 AM
1. Do you have secrets? ans : yesh ! 2. Would you fall in love with a guy older than you by 3 years? ans : n0ppes. 3. Do you enjoy going to school? ans : n0ppes. LOL 4. What would you do with a billion dollars? ans : h0w iie n0e ? wait till iie g0t th m0ney dhens sae burhs. d0ts 5. who do you hate the most at this moment? ans : guess it ureself burhs. hahahs 6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? ans : being l0ves by s0me0ne :) 7. List out your 15 favourite songs: ans : al0rts larhs. D: 8. The person you like is already attached, what would you do? ans : iie will wait f0r hyme l0rhs. 9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? ans : ermmmm dunnch n0e. 10. What makes you angry? ans : al0rtts. 11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time? ans : h0w iie n0e uh. 12. Who is currently the most important people to you? ans : dear &nd family (: 13. What is the most important thing in life? ans : iie dunnch n0e 14. Single or attached? With who? ans : attached , t0 aHwei (: 15. What is your favourite colour? ans : Purple 16. Would you give all in a relationship? ans : t0 me iie will , t0 hyme iie dunnch n0e. 17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick? ans : iie dunnch n0e. 18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done? ans : ermmm depends burhs. 19. How important is the person who tagged you? ans : dunnch n0e. 20. 5 people I have tagged ans : f0rgets ): iie g0ing SIP lerhs): t0nitee will update again(: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees ! iiel0veshyme 爱LIIN memories |
@ 1:36 AM
011108 HAPPY BURFDAE DADDY ! STAY HAPPY (: LOVEEE♥♥♥ actually g0ing wedding dinner wibb aunt & dinner wibb family. dhens after dhats iie din g0 anii. c0z iie w0rking. S0RRIIE ! sell ice-cream l0rhs. D: maii legg very pain l0rhs. hahahs. bhuds quite fun larhs. d0ts ! iie tagg wibb dear , aHben tagg wibb pearlina. LOL. aHtin f0ll0w me &nd dear l0rhs. D: he help us ask s0me niahh , pull the trolley &nd take the ice-cream f0r us. hahhas. we keep playing l0rhs. at first we din sell anii. bhuds at last we s0ld 7. aHtin buy 1. he buy sweetc0rn derhs l0rhs. dhen iie dunnch like t0 eat , s0 din eat. hmmms. waste m0ney l0rhs. he eat 1/4 dhens thr0w away , c0z melt lia0s lerhs. D: LOL , end here. 021108 HAPPY BURFDAE LINJEI K0RHH ! STAY HAPPY (: LOVES. stay at h0meee th wh0le dae , d0ts. 3plus dhens wakeup. pig sials 0.o d0 s0me stuff &nd blablabla. dear & pearlina jiu c0me maii hus lia0s lerhs. dhey b0th inside maii r0om , watch sh0w &nd etc. iie at living r0om peii g0ngg0ng watch tv , LOL. qudd ritee ? D: 6plus iie c0me in t0 the r0om , take maii m0ney &nd blabla. wanna g0 d0wn buy f0od , dhens aiiyarhs dhey still watching sh0w jiu wait l0rhs. 7 dhens g0 d0wn. iie thiink iie gibb dear attitude l0rhs. aiiy0h , heng din quarrel. hahas. LOL buy lia0s , dear ask me gibb hyme m0ney he buy cigg. ask us t0 g0 h0mee 1st. eat lia0s , watch sh0w &nd blablabla. dhey g0ing h0mee , iie g0 d0wn buy ice-cream. hahahs. maii S$5 flyyyyy away mans ! LOL it's 0kayes. D: ends here. iie nid t0 slp lia0s lerhs. very late lia0s. s0mem0re tmr still nid t0 wakeup early ): c0z iie nid t0 g0 SIP iin the m0rning. LOL , clear finish jius can dye hair lia0s lerhs. YEAHS ! 13 h0urs 30 minutes t0 g0 =( byeeeeeeeees ! iiel0veshyme 爱LIIN memories |