Wednesday, December 24, 2008 @ 3:32 AM
FUCK LINJEI K0RH LARHS ! HE CRACK MY HAND L0RHS. PAIN MANS !! DD:: HATE HYME LARHS. LOL. t0day w0rkk at serang0on ((: me && darliingg w0rkiingg niahs.. supersians l0rhs.. dhens ben c0me find us.. he help us sell l0rhs.. heehee.. n0 pay f0r hyme. c0z he sm0ke my cigg marhs.. still nid gibb hyme pay derhs mehs ? sia0 uh.. IM N0RT RICH !! DD:: earn $17plus. bhuds n0w left wibb $10. c0z just n0w take cab g0 NP mac fiind adrian dhey all. slackk.. saw huiping JieJie. she ask me g0 h0mee early.. hahahs.. slackk at 747 , ask justiin briingg hiis lapt0p d0wn.. hahas.. s0mem0re 2plus lia0s lurhh.. ba0beii : ie d0nt wishh t0 quarrel wibb y0ue just a small matter. hmmmms. h0pee y0ue will understandd burhs. will alwayes LovEs&&MissYouEs ! ie will be endiingg here.. MERRY CHRISTMAS && A HAPPY NEW YEAR !! byeeeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme xia0Liin<3ahwei memories |
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 @ 2:30 AM
al0rtts 0f tiinggs happened !! HAIS ): siians.. alm0st quarrel wibb dear agaiin.. hmmmms.. t0 s0me0ne : d0nt aniih0w say tiinggs h0rhs !! h0ppe ue n0e wh0 are y0ue.. btw , we din aniih0w say dhat thiinggs , 0nly s0me pe0ple really heard th s0undd.. DD:: please be zid0ngg , ue are a gal !! ** my c0mp is sp0il !!! Zzz, byeeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme xia0Liin<3ahwei memories |
Monday, December 15, 2008 @ 8:38 PM
biitch & snatcher !! siam larhs h0rhs.. d0nt ever snatch away my loves 0ne !! ie will FCUK y0ue upside d0wn !! DD:: ibb y0ue n0e wh0 ue are better d0nn be s0 cl0se wibb dhem larhs h0rhs.. PCB !! ure d0nn0e th feelinngg is sucks cans ? want try an0rts ? ie cans let ure tryy derhs larhs.. d0nn c0me try it 0n me.. ie already habb thiis kiindd 0f retributi0n.. s0 ie can d0 aniitiing ie want n0w.. && THANKS UH ! MAKE ME HATE YOUR , MAKE ME JEAL0US TILL LIKE DHAT.. bhuds s0rriie lurhs.. ue thiink dhey will be cl0se t0 ue ? eh tell ue whads larhs.. wait LONGLONG alsh0 d0nn habb th chance derhs lurhs. STOP DREAMING 0F IT MANS ! DD:: t0 s0me0ne : k0rhh , d0n't hide thiinggs fr0m me 0kayes ? g0t aniitiingg just tell me.. byeeeeeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme xia0Liin<3ahwei memories |
Saturday, December 13, 2008 @ 12:00 AM
ba0beii dear , happy 12 m0nth !! alth0ugh 0n dhat daye g0t thiinggs happen.. im SORRY ! n0 matter whads , iLovEsYouEs && iMissYouEs ! n0 0ne can replaced y0ue in my heart<3
byeeeeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme xia0Liin<3ahwei memories |
Friday, December 12, 2008 @ 2:43 AM
LinJei k0rhh , ie alsh0 n0e wh0 is th CB kiahs.. supersiians larhs.. d0nn0e whads t0 d0 n0w lurhs.. thiink he anqry me lia0 , s0 late dhens g0 h0mee ): n0wadayes ie g0t al0rts 0f thiinggs t0 d0.. wanna SAVE m0ney , BUY thiingg , DO thiingg , PAY back pe0ple m0ney.. wtF ? n0 tyme lurhs.. bhuds it's 0kayes. D: pe0ple wh0 ie 0we y0ue m0ney , ie will pay back by thiis m0nth..! wtH ? t0daye talk b0ut th thiingg again.. n0t 'FanGan' lia0 lerhs.. c0z we say it tw0 tyme lerhs.. b0th alsh0 very t0opidd lurhs. machiam d0nn understandd like dhat. wtH.. hahas.. afterall dhey n0e lerhs lurhs. hmmms.. ie will be endiingg here ! g0iingg 0rh0rh lerhs. tiredd ! 1 m0re daye t0 g0♥ byeeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme xia0Liin<3ahwei memories |
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 @ 8:43 PM
few dayes din p0st lerhs.. ie miss BENDAN ! free meetupp 0kayes ? LOVES & MISS ! ie n0w feel like cutting maii wrist back. bhuds hais ! whads can ie d0 ? ie pr0mise s0 many pe0ple lerhs. ie really h0ppe ie w0nn d0 s0 ! dear♥ : SORRY ! ie d0nn wann t0 add burden 0n y0ue lerhs. if 1 daye ie din c0ntact y0ue , ue d0nn nid t0 c0ntact me fr0m dhat daye 0nwards.. takareee 0f ureself ! ie will alwayes LOVE & MISS y0ue ! t0 every0ne ie pr0mise : SORRY ! if 1 daye ie g0 d0 wr0ngg thiinggs ! ie h0ppe th thingg w0nn happen.. if it happens IM REALLY SORRY ! takareeee ! byeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme xia0Liin<3ahwei memories |
Saturday, December 06, 2008 @ 2:21 AM
miisiing hyme badly. hais ): can hear his v0ice ie very happy lerhs. hmmmms. h0ppe aftern0on cann meet hyme.. can peii me awhiile ie als0 happy lerhs. ba0beii♥ : takaree 0f ureself alriqhts ? lurvE&missy0uE l0rts ! ie g0t n0thing t0 p0st t0dae. 7 m0re dayes t0 g0♥ byeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme xia0Liin<3ahwei memories |
Friday, December 05, 2008 @ 3:13 AM
supersians.. hais ): ie super miiss hyme larhs ! bhuds cant meet hyme c0z he w0rkingg. hmmms. cans understandd. ie thiink al0rts 0f thiings l0rhs. al0rts 0f pe0ple ask me t0 test hyme s0methiingg. bhuds ie dare t0 try it. c0z ie n0e he will tulan all dhat. s0 ie d0nn want t0 try. ba0beii♥ : when ue free lerhs c0me fiind me burhs. hmmmms. LovEs&&MissYouEs l0rts. ** cant upload piic. fuckup sials. internet abit s0t lerhs. s0rriie. 8 m0re dayes t0 g0♥ byeeeeeeeee ! iieloveshyme xia0Liin<3ahwei memories |