Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 12:07 AM
currently @ Linjei`korh h0use. t0day n0thing much t0 say. wakeup ar0und 1plus. d0 all the thing i sh0uld d0 & wait f0r dear t0 wakeup. PIG siols. LOL!! he wakeup ar0und 3pm. he came my h0use. a g0od timing uhs? then went d0wn meet linjei`korh. buy cigg fr0m him lorhs. then went back h0me prepare everything & off we went t0 lower pierce (: wahs, t0day went there very late lorhs. didnt manage t0 catch anything at all. g0 there catch FLIES ! the FLIES even follow us 0utside. OMG!! its FCUKING irritating larhs! bus back h0me (: slack at h0me lorhs. me & darlingg went t0 n0rthp0int b0ught LONGJOHN. the PRINCE is waiting f0r me t0 serve him f0od. LOL. he stayed at h0me & ahg0ng came back but im sh0ck he didnt say anything. hahas! when we start t0 eat, ahg0ng came in & ask things. irritating mans! he came in 2 t0 3 times. ka0s!! cant eat a pr0per meal! wtF ? linjei`korh called me & ask wanna meet n0t. LOL. then went d0wn with dear & darlingg, they went h0me. then i g0 meet him ;D NOTHING TO DO ! I SUPER MISS DARRON TAN! h0pe he can c0me 0ut n0w lorhs.! s0 that i can be HAPPY GAL, d0nt need t0 scared n0b0dy meet all that. MISS THE IDIOT TOO! i wants him t0 c0me 0ut n0w. he's the 0nly 0ne wh0 can help me solve everything! he can be my ears at all time (: HOPE TIME TO FLIES =) i really miss the past that we always t0gether.! n0w 0nly Priscilla Jie g0t her 0wn life(: h0pe she's xinfu afterall (: k0rk0r will be HAPPY f0r her t0o (: i als0 g0t 0wn life n0w, it is STUDY l0rhs. hahas.! seld0m meet pe0ple lerhs. n0w 0nly want t0 c0ncentrate in study! i have tw0 Us lorhs & three Cs. FCUK siol. ahg0ng says daddy is angry with my results.. Stress uhs! im n0w waiting f0r y0ur (: Loves : xia0Bear`korh, dear & darlingggg ♥♥♥ TakeCare♥ byeeeees`g0odnights (: iieloveshyme xia0Liin♥aHwei memories |
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 @ 9:50 AM
My c0mp cant use again ! ahhhhh, FCUKUP! memories |
Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 11:04 PM
t0day, wakeup ar0und 3plus. wows! is a SUPER late le lorhs. then msg dear, ask him at where. he called me. then, went d0wn t0 meet linjei`korh kup with him. & peii him slack awhile jius faster g0 back h0me & charge my ph0ne le. went t0 bath & blas, darlingg came up my h0use. wait f0r justin t0 c0me, we ate instant n0odles (: & 0ff we went lower pierce again, hahas. suey siols, raining!! ahhhhs! then d0nt kn0w dear & alfred at where. LOL.! we walked in lor, "lingyu" sians but abit 0nly larhs. D: g0 catch fish & prawn again, hahas. awhile 0nly alfred jius catch 2 fish(: hahahs, & blaaaaaassss! went back h0me, have my durain. daddy bought it de. hahas! ate alot lorhs. LOL. went d0wn meet dear, alfred & wensheng.. & we slackslackslack.. went up t0 1st aunt h0use again. hahas. take things again. D: & HOME SWEET HOMEE :) Loves : xia0bear`korh, dear & darlinggg ♥♥♥ TakeCare♥ byeeeees`g0odnights(: iieloveshyme xia0Liin♥aHwei memories |
Saturday, March 14, 2009 @ 11:42 PM
110309 yeahs, assembly is f0r lower sec. song uhs. Lol. EBS : abit sians, i never d0 assignment. lend fr0m pe0ple & scan it. hahas. Maths : d0 w0rk & slack. Lol. RECESSS Science & English: sians mans!! Lol. CPA : d0 1 activity & play games. o.0 ? Assembly : stay in class. d0 thingss. GO HOMEEEEE (: slack 0utside awhile, and i went h0me. bath & all. went t0 sch0ol 0utside wait for dear, he g0t sip. Lol. &blas.. 120309 ![]() MT & English : n0t in class. at ms s0o 0ffice(: hahas.. settle thinggs. NT m0dule : ask that jiejie tie my hair. hahas. it look super messy lorr. GO HOMEEEE!! settling s0me things 0utside. &blas. went h0me, rest awhile (: 8plus, went t0 meet peiipeii ` em0 at 853. she's late. hahas. But nevermind. chatted alots 0f things (: ah ta & chiin ` mummy came t0o, we slack awhile went t0 848.. &blas.. 130309 ![]() it's 0ur 15thm0nth(: Loves : xia0Bear k0rh, dear & darlinggggg ♥♥♥ byeeeeeeeeees! iieloveshyme xia0Liin♥aHwei memories |
Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 12:33 AM
ba0beii dear , happy 15 m0nth !! Alth0ugh, g0t alot 0f things happening But n0 matter whads iLovesYous && iMissYous! n0 0ne can replaced y0u in my heart♥ byeeeeeeeeeees iieloveshyme xia0Liin♥aHwei memories |
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 @ 11:29 PM
heehee (: tmr then i update. i want t0 watch tv n0w & rest. head still very pain ehs. sians dia0 lorr (: n0w h0ping tmr assembly is f0r l0wer sec. if n0t sure very tired): * pic will be upl0ad tmr(: Loves : Mummy. xia0Bear k0rh, dear & darlingggggg ♥♥♥♥ TakeCare♥ byeeeeeeeeeeess! iieloveshyme xia0Liin♥aHwei memories |
Sunday, March 08, 2009 @ 11:44 PM
DARLING ROCKS MY WORLD! Loves: ba0beii k0rk0r, dear & darlingggggg ♥♥♥ memories |
Monday, March 02, 2009 @ 11:08 PM
IM HAPPY (: t0day sch0ol is alrights (: Science : i get back my pre-test. sad larhs ! i 0nly get 7/20 FCUK mans! really must buckup already. if n0t later kena nagg again. Lol. very slack (: PE : im in pr0per attire! & i run 6 run i jius DIE le ! very tired. cant breathe then g0t gastric & that FCUKING MR SIM d0nt all0wed me t0 st0p. FCUKUP larhs! Nabeii. then i d0nt care him , i just sit d0wn. give attitude t0 him l0rhs. FCUKING TIRED & SIANS! English : Slackingg time mans! h0h0s. actually is didnt d0 the d0nt kn0w what larhs. very tired. hee (: Maths : tired. sleep awhile , teacher say d0 the pre-test. i didnt d0. opppps! MT : very funny. weijun disia0 teacher. hahas! class diary is full page t0day. just 0nly chinese less0n jius full page le (: hahas! FUN mans!(: EBS : yeahs , i kn0w h0w t0 d0 all the things le (: GOODGOOD (: wahs! all the test c0ming le ): must STUDYSTUDYSTUDY again!!! ahhhhhs~ n0 0ff day le. g0ing bring b0ok h0me lia0. cann0t be lazy lohs. hee"=" Loves : xia0Bear k0rh , dear & darlinggg ♥♥♥ TakeCare♥ byeeeeeeeeeeeees! iieloveshyme xia0Liin♥aHwei memories |