Sunday, September 27, 2009 @ 12:49 AM
SICK ~ ARGH , NO PATIENCE FOR ANYTHING. F ! no voice to talk too. when ii talk is out of tune & sometime no sound. exam coming soon ! & im still sick. so xinku. haiis. things happening & ii doesnt know how to solve it. useless , im so tiring of everything else already. can everything just stop ?! dont wanna argue down , im gonna crazy one day ! no mood at all ~ Loves : DarronTan , Darling & deardear ! ♥♥♥ TakeCare ♥ byeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme Liin ♥ aHwei memories |
Thursday, September 24, 2009 @ 11:55 PM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009 @ 11:34 PM
200909 stay at home till 12plus , justin came my house find me. then he say want ton ? then ii say dont know. Lol ! end up , went down to eat. slack & blas. then walk to swimming complex there find dear & co. so that's it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 220909 went rebond after school. so tired when rebonding , wanna sleep derhs. but cant. haha ! darling came over find me. then meet weekiat kor & justin. eat & slack & craps. headed to 850 , basketball , craps & blas. sankar tongpang us back to my house downstairs. meeting that kunji joeson. he so damn freaking long boh. & darling meet her frens too. craps around & homesweethome :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ today school is tired ): shall not post about today. haha ! so sian , every morning need see ms soo for smokaliser ( something like that ) DARLING! your post ii will reply tmr :D LoveYouuuuuuuuu ! ♥ shall end here. Loves : darrontan , darling & deardear ! ♥♥♥ takeCare ♥ byeeeeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme Liin ♥ aHwei memories |
Sunday, September 20, 2009 @ 10:31 PM
DARLING OH ~ this post is for you. thanks for being there for me :) like whad you say yesterday , we must cry together , eat together , share things together , laugh together &more. ii will love you like how ii love your brother :D no one can replace you in my heart ! hope you can be together with ***HIM***. you should know who im talking about. wanna you to find your happiness. But you got him lerhs cannot dont want me horhs. haha ! LoveYouuuuuuu ! ♥ memories |
Saturday, September 19, 2009 @ 12:00 AM
yesterday, went dinner with deardear & frens. after eating , went back coffee shop meet darling as she wanted to eat. then slack & chat. is so damn boring , coz we're waiting for eshi & co. dear's mummy came down , ask them to go home. then left me , VI & yonghong. wtF ?! ii also dont know them well. dear trust them jius can lerhs. haha ! was with them all the way till dear & darling came down. slack , craps. boring. around 6.30am , cab to 850. peii darling slack awhile. she went in school & ii go home sleep. argh ! so ii didnt went to school today. slept for 1 hour & ii was awake by my stupid dear ! he ask me open the door. then ii sleep back again. 9am wakeup , bath & stuff. went to facial , ii was so damn tired. but ii cant even sleep. coz very pain when she's doing thingy on my face. after she put the mask then ii sleep. awhile only lorhs. then train back home. when home , craps with deardear then ii jius sleep liaos. too tired lerhs.. wakeup around 7plus , craps again. then go out. YEAHOOO ! ii can take my IC lerhs. but ii havent tae yet. LOL ! stressing over things! F-ck ! TO ALL READERS/Passerby! dont know anything please dont anyhow say things. keep the comment to yourself. im not going to say whad happen to your / you. THANKYOU ! my eye going to drop soon ! argh ! end here. Loves : darrontan & deardear ! ♥♥♥ TakeCare♥ byeeeeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme Liin ♥ ahwei memories |
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 @ 10:11 PM
back to post. last few days , gong complaining things to me. though he told me something to tell someone. ii dont know how to tell. how ? maybe ii will write here & you read it yourself burhs. today. damn pekcek & tulan. cant even sleep in class. ii slept for 10 mins only. freak ~ get back my CA2 results , pekcek ! ii need the 0.02% to get the award ! arghs , hope principal will round off uh. so ii can take. if not ii want jump down lerhs ! must praise myself for improving. :D haha ! results will post below. GU JIE HUI you better watch what you are saying ! go home clean your mouth larhs. nabeiis. to mummy : gong is going to retire. he ask your to find somebody else to work. that's what he told me. and help me tell dad to give me allowance. gong is not my dad. he work for your & his salary is for my allowance. he dont need spend for his daily meals ? Thanks. im not going to argue with you anymore. just want to tell you this. * we're drifting apart! coz of that person. ii dont know. maybe ii dont need your anymore & your dont need me anymore. got new frens or BFriend jius like that. whad am ii to your ? need me jius find me. eh , im just a sparetyre ?! ii dont wish to argue with your coz of this. is she so important than me ? alrites , fine , whadever. ii dont care so much by now. wanna meet jius meet dont want meet jius dont meet. simply. dont need anymore conflict ! frens is hard to trust / find. ( dont ask who im referring to ) ** dont be so noisy larhs. your father open derhs uh! B-tch. act as if you know everything. people dont like you marhs so ask him to say GOODBYE to you. LOL ! ( dont ask who im referring to ) *** stress enough for exam , no time for aruguing & stuff anymore. wants to get my aim! ii told myself ii can do it ! haha ! im guai already :D RESULTS English : 50 (D) Chinese : 80 (A) Maths : 53.3 (D) Science : 60 (C) CPA : 84 (A) EBS : 91.7 (A) DARRONTAN IS MISSED ! ♥ hope ii can receive your letter soon. im worried ! deardear ! iimissyous ! byeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme Liin ♥ aHwei memories |
Sunday, September 13, 2009 @ 11:45 PM
sorry weekiat kor for spamming my phone yet ii didnt wakeup. hmmms , stay at home till 4plus. went down meet darling. waited for dear as he went to meet justin. when he came , walk to cheers to but prepaid. walk home. craps & blas. 7 plus , dear went amk. me & darling went to eat. Freak that auntie , her service is damn sucks. F. eaten , went mac to buy drink :D slack with darling , craps. waited for linjei korkor. darling went home. & blas. & HOMESWEETHOME. Loves : darronTan & deardear !♥♥♥ takecare ♥ byeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme Liin ♥ aHwei memories |
@ 4:18 AM
Happy 21st monthsary my dear ! thanks you for being there :D Loveyaaaaaaaaa ♥ no one can snatch him away ! look at the time now! it's already 4plus going 5 & im still awake. justin peii me maple , he spamming me. he half way go out , then back. went out again , to 848 makan. Mygod ! tmr still need to wakeup early. ask weekiat korkor spamming me. argh ! try to wakeup. coz cant confirm at that time ii will wakeup anots. gonna sleep after justin spam hao. end here. Love : darronTan & deardear ! ♥♥♥ TakeCare ♥ byeeeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme Liin ♥ aHwei memories |
Wednesday, September 09, 2009 @ 12:47 AM
at home till afternoon. msg darling , ask her where is she. she came over t0 meet me. went popular to buy pen. bus-ed to amk. went to eat , dear came down. LoL ! slack , & blas. damn BORING ! at there like ah hai like that. Lol ! no one entertain us. but we entertain ourselves. slack , slack , slack. deardear send me to bustop. & HomeSweetHome :D ENG ESHI , stop pointing me middle finger horhs. idiots ~ kunji , go find your J larhs. hahahahhahahhaha ! you point me again , ii tell her something horhs ! end here. Loves : DarronTan & deardear!♥♥♥ TakeCare♥ byeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme Liin ♥ aHwei memories |
Tuesday, September 08, 2009 @ 3:25 PM
![]() $14.50. GRAB IT FROM ME NOW :D Colours: light blue, blue, navy, teal, red, hot pink, baby pink, light pink, dark green, lime green, sea green, yellow, brown, white, black, grey, purple Sizes available : 24-42 (+ $3.50 for size 40 & above and for denim colors) wanna buy please email me @ deardear.ilovesyou@hotmail.com memories |
@ 3:10 PM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LIINLIIN ! went to school as per normal. celebrate my birthday with mrs wan as her birthday is on 090909. didnt eat during recess time , coz it's very rush. but we ate cake jius full lerhs. haha ! alrites , after school time. there's 2 bodyguard waiting for me at school outside. guess who is it ? it is weekiat & travis. haha ! so good uh. they asked me to go 871 but im waiting for josie jiejie. kanna screen by police. suay , weijun kanna caught smoking somemore. josie jiejie came & find me lerhs then we walk to 871. deardear & justin over there. dear so sorry to make you wait for me. there's a birthday cake uh. yeah , ii wish for 3 things. ii wont say here. & request is given that ii need to use my mouth to take out the candle. OMG ! ii took out ( half way ) dear jius push my head down. argh !! my face kanna cake! eat finish cake , justin smash the cake on my face. ii wanna smash back but he dont know run till where lerhs. bo bian. clearup & cab home with josie jiejie. she wait for me to bath & stuff. bus-ed back to 850. slack there with josie jiejie. she sit far away from me. she scared that she will kanna flour. muhahaha ! in the end , went to 832 there. they are waiting for me. shit mans! flour & water c0ming to me. almost vomit , dear aim my face with flour. but aim till my mouth. yucks!! after that , went to CC & wash up. deardear came in to girls toilet help me wash. GOOD uh. walk back to 850 slack again. play basketball & stuff. then second round of flour. OMFG ! ii cant run , coz ii confirm lose them. so ii stand there to let them make me. angyun crack 2 eggs on my head, yelks ! then flour & egg all c0me lerhs. wash up at 868. & blas. bus-ed back to northpoint tabao food to my house eat. after eating then ii go bath. & stuff stuff. josie jiejie went home lerhs then ii fall asleep. coz dear playing maple then ii nothing to do. before dear went home , ii think he got talk to me. FORGOTTEN. sleep till 4plus - 5 am , wokeup & ii vomit ): im damn xinku , so ii msg deardear tell him. after that , went back sleep till 9plus. wokeup again , chiong to toilet vomits & do some business. msg deardear again. ask him c0me peii me after he wokeup. yeahs , he did. he called me. sweet uh. ii didnt lock the door. & he open the door himself , ii was sleeping at that moment. my tears keep droping down my cheeks , dont know why too. dear ask me dont think so much norhs. haiis(!) he peii me till night then he jius go home lerhs. I WANNA SAY A BIG THANKS TO : deardear , justin , travis , weekiat , josie , angyun , wangjian , miaohui & everyone at 850 on that day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHIINCHIIN ! <3 went to meet her , pass her a card. then chit-chat. im updated to things :) peii her till she go find daddy. I HOPE THAT DADDY WILL BE BACK WITH YOU. IF HE HAVE CHANGE HIMSELF :) **pictures will be updated on the next post. Love : darr0nTan & deardear ! ♥♥♥ TakeCare ♥ byeeeeeeeeeees ! iieloveshyme Liin ♥ aHwei memories |