Wednesday, June 30, 2010 @ 7:44 PM
TH. 385 POST ! ~ what should ii start ? RECENTLY ! went to kbox with tzewei, junior & justin. weets ! ~ thanks junior for the treat. ♥ ii've enjoyed myself ! too longg never sing lerhs, not use to it. hees! me & tzewei is so high! we're kinda mad. thanks girl, never fail to make me laugh! woots! schl starts. getting boring ): 1st day of schl jiu late le. all thanks to NATALE CHOW ! argh !~ her watch is 5 min late. -.-! okay, stand in front of whole schl -.-! almost fainted as the sun keep facing me! lucky ii got water to drink. so tahan all the way luhs . ): poor me .. 2nd day didnt go schl. as im sick ): sleep all the way till 5pm. dont know whats wrong with me. so stay at home all the way till night. went out with aunt , baby & cousin. today! im so freaking tired luhs. its a longgggg day today. & went out schl as they wanna buy lunch & something. so, promise ONGS FAMILY to stay back. hahah. so ii did. unpleasent things happen again! NAT SIST! YOU GOT TO BE STRONG OKAY. DONT LET HER THINK THAT YOU'RE USELESS! WE THE ONG FAMILY WILL BE THERE! WE'LL BE THERE FOR YOU ! T.. W.. T... , PLEASE LUHS. DONT LOOK DOWN ON US OKAY. HATEYOU ! YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY US ROTTEN APPLE OKAY. SEE YOU IN CLASS ALL OF US WILL GET TO SLEEP. COS YOUR CLASS IS SO BORED! NO JOKE NO NOTHING ! YOU'RE JUST OUR SLEEPING PILL THAT'S ALL! Tagg Replies ! ♥ Darron & Ryan. ♥ Chrislin; Mommys'Girl ! ~ memories |
Thursday, June 24, 2010 @ 1:20 AM
TH. 384 POST ! ~ what ii did today. ermmmmm........ wakeup in the morning, went back sleep till afternoon. cousin came, & he did not wake me up! scare till me, thought is who. gosh! so, wash up. ii use comp & he do homework. baby came so silently! thought is who again. hahah! then me & bi teach him. will vomit blood ah! his hand writing , cannot make it lahs. aiyoh! nevermind, went to bath as cousin is doing his work. & then yeechin came. kevin & huitian came to take umbrella. Lols! SO SORRY! I CANT PEI YOUR ! NEXT TIME WILL PEI YOUR DE. ♥ continue to teach. baby & yeechin watch show. hahaha! cousin went for tuition, he did one forgetful thing. he went off and came back to take his phone. Lols. think by the time he reach, he's late le. okay, they both continue to watch show. im watching tv. Lols . yeechin take a nap. can see she's tired. haha! then baby went down to buy food, hoho ~ thanks baby for the treat ! ♥ baby forget to buy something! then he went down with yeechin. yeechin went to ahboy house & baby came back. :D then he watch his show ii watch mioTV. Boring life ): LAHLAHLAH ~! lazy to type already. bed is calling me to sleep. meeting aunt 10am tml . going help daddy & mommy at night. tiring. It's real hard to get a trustable & a good friend. I have a few. :D If you have money , friend will comes to you automatically. If you do not have money , friend will be far from you. So is this call friend ? No tag replies ! 2 Years 6 Months 1 Weeks 4 Days of ♥ ♥ Darron & Ryan. ♥ Chrislin; Mommys'Girl ! ~ memories |
Monday, June 21, 2010 @ 1:05 AM
TH. 383 POST ~ let me review on what ii did the last two day.. friday, wakeup in the afternoon. not feeling very well. went to meet aunt & cousin. went northpoint walk . but, im not in the shopping mood at all. aunt said, fine. we go home, sunday then meet. then okay luhs. baby ask me to meet weekiat. so, went to meet him. then waited for baby. & we walk to 123 due to baby want to cut his hair. my feeling is bad! stomache is killing me at that time. giving baby attitude all the way. shouted at him. im sorry baby. glad that you understand. ♥ you ! bus back home. run back home. argh ~ stay at home all the way till night. went out at night. ask baby permission. Bi : you not feeling well jius dont go out. you okay jius go luhs. Me : im okay! smiling to him* Bi : okay luhs . haha, so sweet of him. haha. ♥ so, took the same bus as baby. ii went to 8 tou & bi went home. went to meet junior, yeechin, ahboy & weixiong. play cards, chat ...... msg peizhuang, ask her come down. she did come down. & start to gamble. & peizhuang , weixiong & junior went home. left us. all the way till 4plus. went to 848, buy things eat. haha. & yeechin called his friend. he's in hospital. cab down. at hospital till morning 8 plus. scary * me & yeechin was tired. so , we both went home first. home, faster go bath. & ii wanted to sleep. yeechin called. told me something make me so angry! argh ~ forget it. somemore im not feeling well so ii went to sleep. saturday, wakeup around 4plus , yeechin called. so, ii went to bath & prepare. bi called. meet them both at 850. chat with chin due to something. then, tzewei & rosemary came down. playing games with baby. :D slack with them awhile. & cab back to 7 tou. family meeting. no lahs, celebrate father's day in advance. & ii went back home. take things & went 8 tou again. chat & blas. di siao tzewei, keep sending her where are you. di siao weixiong too. we 3 call him & ask where are you. with who. doing what. LMAO! then peiemo & ahda came down. hoho ~ slack awhile, went to dam. play card. then went to henderson wave. slack while then mount faber. play cards till 2plus 3. then ahda drive us go chinatown eat. thanks ahda for the treat :D & he send us back home. today, wakeup around 4plus. bath & prepare. went down to meet tzewei, rosemary, yeechin & ahboy. walk to northpoint. ahboy & yeechin went to see bag. tzewei & rosemary pei me go meet my aunt. walk to funland find peizhuang due to something. after that, we went to northpoint to have my lunch/dinner with my aunt & cousin. they went to 8 tou. after eating, me & aunt went to popular. ii did something stupid! Lols. & then straight back to house downstairs cos meeting bi. alright, went to buy something. have a conflict at house downstairs. hmmms, things get sorted out jius okay lerhs. & back home... Tagg Replies 2 years 6 months 1 week 1 day of ♥ ♥ Darron & Ryan ♥ Chrislin; Mommys'Girl ! ~ memories |
Thursday, June 17, 2010 @ 11:27 PM
TH. 382 POST ! ~ argh ~ wakeup by 1st aunt & cousin again ! ask me what time to meet. ii said 1pm. but end up ii sleep till 1pm. oppps. & im late again. went bath & everything. went down find them. walk to swimming complex. watch my cousin swim -.- disturb my sleep! after swimming, went northpoint. bloody idiot, bang till me! never say sorry somemore. Zz. went to the sale again! this time round, aunt bought 1 clothes & she bought for me 3 clothes. wee-woo-weets ~ thanks ♥ after that, went up to see how much pedicure cost. Lahlahlahs. went down to cold storage. buy goceries . walk around then NTUC. it's around 6plus. bi is waiting for me at house downstairs. ii told him 10 min ii'll reach. but im late again. lucky he never angry. haha! treat him drink vitagen hors. Lols. alright, reach home. bi play psp. & im eating. ii wash clothes & he's using comp. ii watch tv he's watching funshion show. haha! & bi went homeee. that's all. & now im updating & watching show :D babybaby! get well soon okays. iiloveyou ! ♥ gonna meet cliques & classmate soon. but due to some are working ): argh ~ it's okay. shall see what's the next plan. NO TAG REPLIES. 2 years 6 months 5 days of ♥ ♥ Darron & Ryan ♥ Chrislin; Mommy'sGirl ! ~ memories |
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 @ 10:57 PM
TH. 381 POST ~! what ii did today ? errr, afternoon was being awake by my 1st aunt & cousin. argh ~ my sweet sleep is gone! they gave me 15 min to prepare. gosh. alright, ii tried my best but im still late. so, wanted to go seoul garden to have our lunch. but failed to. there's a lot of people. change our mind, decided to eat at japanese food court. after eating, walk around at northpoint. there's sales at level 1. so, aunt went there & seeeeee. bought 3 clothes back home. Thanks ♥ she bought alot ! :D haha, spend $40 over that sales. OMGod ! after that, pasamalam. its last day. cousin & I bought the candy -,- went aunt house. install games for them. slack & chat awhile. back home after . baby came & find me. poor thing, he's sick! get well soon oh bi. ♥ he was playing his psp ): then make hot the rice dumpling for him & myself. Serve him all the way! argh , no choice he's sick. he's the patient today. went down buy things & send him to over head bridge. & homeee . what's the point of saying love & miss here & there? shall we prove it? if not , there's no point out there. ii really hated you being like this eh. copying this & that. argh. end up will have a conflict. nevermind, maybe im used to it. ii will not lose anything ! ii hates you ! Tagg Replied Justin : Hello - Hello! finally you tagg me uh. haha! PEIPEI : EMO~ rmb to post ur new hair cut de pic arhs! hahahas. seeya~ ♥ - haha. ii dont want post. tml you jius can see lerhs mahs. seeyou! Loved ♥ ♥ Darron& Ryan ♥ Chrislin; Mommy'sGirl ~ memories |
Monday, June 14, 2010 @ 2:08 AM
TH. 380 POST ! ~ wakeup in the morning . clear my cafeworld. argh , im still very tired ): alright, went to bath & prepare. went down to 744 & have my hair cut . ii miss my hair, but ii believe it will grow back derhs luhs. nothing to worry abt. :D after hair cut, northpoint mac to have my lunch . walk around , popular. & then went to m)phosis. 2nd aunt bought something like a sling bag. 1st aunt bought me a handbaggg ! wee-woo-weets , its for my birthday present. haha! thanks ! ♥ next, me & 1st aunt went pasamalam. walk around , there's nothing for us to buy. & head back home to rest. argh ~ tiring ! bath again! prepare, went to 1st aunt house. waited for 3rd uncle & cousin to come. :D went down together, find the place to sit. sooooo many people. & we're sitting so far ): sitting beside mommy's table only. hahah ! so, YEAHS! mommy bought me a ipod touch. wee-woo-weets ~ happy* haha, thankyou mommy ! ♥ went to find baby & back homeee, due to somee reason. dinner ----- dinner ----- dinner ----- went back home with maid & mommy. chat with mommy then went down to help daddy. OMG ! my slipper is full of mud. yelks ! after that, chat with mommy.. all the way till daddy is doneeee :D & now, ii've just finish bathing, clearing my cafeworld & finish washing my clothes. && IM GOING TO HAVE A SWEET SLEEP NOW ! NO TAGG TO REPLY ~ ! im just tired of having conflicts, drifting & everything. let all this thing goes smooth by itself. ♥ DarronTan & RyanNeo ♥ Chrislin; Mommy'sGirl ! memories |
Sunday, June 13, 2010 @ 12:35 AM
TH. 379 POST ! ~ shall start with what leiis. hmms. 1/06 went Singapore Bookfair with baby. ii've got S$80 voucher.
857 bus back to yishunnn! im freaking tired! walk for longg hours. 02/06 went over to 3rd aunt house due to baby having CCA. STAY AT HOMEEEE! GOODGIRL AH! 05/06 gosh, im sooooo tired. & having a wedding dinner ): pasamalam with babyyy! bought lots of eating stuff till ii pok liao . ): went mommy houseee, pass meiimeii storybook. Tagg replies ♥ DarronTan & RyanNeo ♥ Chrislin; Mommy'sGirl ! memories |